Saturday, August 31, 2019
Victoria Secret in Turkey
The Middle East consists of several countries in West Asia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Gaza Strip, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, West Bank, and Gaza, are all the 19 countries that are categorized as the Middle East. The term Middle East is considered to be a Eurocentric term and is used as a synonym for the Near East. Since the Middle East extends over so many countries, there are major economic, cultural, and religious differences.Some of the countries in the Middle East are extremely wealthy oil nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates, that generate large amount of revenue and are on the top list of the world’s wealthiest nations based on income per capita. And then there are some really poor nations, like Gaza and Yemen, which are characterized by unrest and war. The Middle East also varies a lot when it comes to culture and religion. Islam is the biggest religion i n the Middle East and many of the countries have really strict religious rules, with little freedom for women.But there are also countries where Judaism and Christianity are represented, and women have equal or almost equal rights as men. Victoria’s Secret was founded in 1977, in San Francisco by Roy Raymond. It started with three stores and a mail-order catalog. In 1982, after only five years of operations, Raymond sold the company to Leslie Wexner for $4 million. During the 80’s Victoria’s Secret rapidly expanded into U. S malls. By the early 90’s Victoria’s Secret had become the largest American lingerie retailer, topping one billion dollars.There are approximately 1,000 Victoria’s secret lingerie stores and 100 independent Victoria’s Secret Beauty stores in the U. S. We sell a range of brassieres, panties, hosiery, cosmetics, sleepwear, and other products. In 1995 Victoria’s Secret had their first fashion show, which today has become a huge hit. The show features some of the world's leading fashion models such as current Victoria's Secret Angels Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, and Miranda Kerr. Because of the huge differences in economy, culture, and religion, we at Victoria’s Secret decided to focus on one country at a time.We decided that it would be the best opportunity to open our store in Turkey. Turkey has the largest economy in the Middle East based on nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and the cultural and religious barriers are not as dominant as in some of the other Middle Eastern countries. Turkey also has a huge market for tourism. Market Turkey has a large population with 71 million people. They have generally a young population, with 61% of the people being younger than the age of 35. Turkey’s average gross national product (GNP) per capita is $7,500.About 71% of the population lives in the urban areas. Istanbul is Turkey’s largest city with about 12 million peo ple, and Ankara, the capital, has about 5 million people. Turkey is located in Southeastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, bordering the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. Turkey’s location gives them an excellent base for economic activities throughout the region. Turkey has a budget revenue of $176. 8 billion and a budget expenditure of $189. 2 billion. Turkey is running a budget deficit of 1. 6% of real GDP.This budget deficit, together with uncertainty related to the monetary policy-making, and political disorder in Turkey’s neighbor countries, makes the Turkish economy vulnerable to destabilization shifts in investors’ confidence. Turkey has a young and well-educated population, but 10. 3% of the Turkish population is unemployed. The labor force is 27. 43 millions, where 25. 5% works within the agricultural sector, 26. 2% works in industries, and 48. 4% works within the service sector. Young people between the age of 15 and 24, 25% are unemployed. Women are still an untapped labor force in Turkey.Researchers say that about half of all Turkish women enter the labor market at some point in their lives, but most end up quitting because of family obligations or poor working conditions. We feel that this is a great opportunity for our company, because our target market is women. We will strive to create ideal working conditions for all of our employees so they feel that they want to keep working for Victoria’s Secret. Economic and Political Climate We at Victoria’s Secret have been attracted to the Turkish market by the country’s rapidly expanding economy, political and economic stability, and the possibility of European Union membership.Since Turkey is an associated member of the EU, it had to adopt many directives, regulations, and laws that are required by the EU. Turkey is going through changes, to strengthen its democracy and integrate its economy into the global market. The changes that Turkey is going through are goin g to be beneficial to us, because it will make Turkey an easier market to enter and to do business in. It is also crucial for us that Turkey’s government are become a more stable government. It would be hard for Victoria’s Secret to thrive when the government is unstable and there are rapid and drastic policy changes.For a business to survive in a foreign country, it is crucial that there is a government that can maintain itself in power and whose fiscal, monetary, and political policy are predictable. Turkey has an open market economy, with a blend of both modern and traditional industries. Turkey’s industry and service sector are becoming the major drivers of the Turkish economy. Their private sector is becoming increasingly important, as state involvement is reducing. The traditional textiles and clothing sectors, still account for one-third of industrial employment in Turkey.During 2011, the United Sates exported to Turkey for $15 billion, this is 34% increa se from 2010. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has in the recent years been attracted to Turkey because of their market reforms, strong growth and economic and political stability. The U. S. has officially invested about $6-7 billion in Turkey, a number that is understated because U. S. companies have invested through third countries. There are no restrictions over the export of goods from Turkey. Exports are exempt from the value added tax (VAT), duties and transaction taxes. Goods manufactured in Turkey have a duty free access to the EU.There are also no import restrictions over goods imported to Turkey, with the exclusion of some restraints of very minor character. For imports that are imported to Turkey from countries other than European Union, customs duties and charges are applicable in agreement with the requirements of the customs union. Regardless of origin of goods, whether from the EU or a non-EU country, VAT is at a rate 18% (1% or 8% for certain basic goods). Good and se rvices imported into the country, industrial, commercial, agricultural goods and services, and deliveries of goods and services caused by other activities, are all subject to VAT.The guidelines involving to the remittance of foreign capital and dividends out of the country are set out in Law No. 1567. According to these regulations, foreign investors have the same privileges and responsibilities as Turkish investors. The regulations also guarantee the transfer of profits, fees, and royalties and the repatriation of capital in the case of a liquidation or sale. For foreign businesses to enter into Turkey there is no longer a minimum amount of capital requirement, due to Turkey’s new Foreign Direct Investment Law. â€Å"It is no longer obligatory to bring a minimum of $50,000 in share capital. As long as the form of company is included in the Turkish Commercial Code, it is your own choice on what company you want to establish. â€Å"It is no longer obligatory to establish eit her a limited liability company or joint stock company. †In 2006, Turkey cut its corporate income tax rate from 30% to 20% making it one of the most competitive rates in the OECD. These corporate income tax rates, has mad Turkey an attractive business environment that presents advantages and potential opportunities for business wishing to enter the market. Culture and InfluencesCulture is defined as â€Å"the sum of the total of the beliefs, rules, techniques, institutions, and artifacts that characterize human populations. †Societies are composed of its people and their culture; it is therefore difficult to talk about one aspect without referring to the other. Sociocultural has become the term that is used among businesspeople when talking about cultures and societies. For Victoria’s Secret to be successful in opening a store in Turkey it is crucial for us to realize that there are a culture differences from that of our own, as well as learning the characteris tics of the culture so that we can adapt to them.Since culture is so broad, a listing of its components may ease the analysis of the sociocultural viewpoint. These components include: aesthetics, attitudes and beliefs, religion, material culture, language, societal organization, education, legal characteristics, and political structures. The component that apply for Victoria’s Secret launch in Turkey is in particular religion, but aesthetics, and societal organization can also have an impact.Religion is an important component of culture and holds responsibility for many attitudes and beliefs the people have. In Turkey, the people practices the religion Islam and the population consist of 99. 8% Muslims, mostly Sunni. The Muslims follows the Koran, which is the collection of Allah’s revelations to Muhammad, and is said to be the messenger of God. Following the Koran means freedom, and it is said to bring happiness for the Muslim to follow Gods word. For all Muslims the basic spiritual duties consist of the ive pillars of faith: accepting the confession of faith; making the five daily prayers while facing Mecca; giving charity; fasting during the daylight hours of Ramadan, a 29- or 30-day month in Islam’s lunar calendar; making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a person’s lifetime. The Turkish state is becoming more and more modernized, and so is also its religion. Turkey seeks to modernize Islam because they believe that it might hinder their development in becoming a more globalized and modern country. We believe that Turkey is a good place to open our next store in the Middle East because they are open for this kind of new businesses.Aesthetics refers to a culture’s sense of beauty and good taste. As the Turkish people are getting more modernized, they will also get more influenced by the rest of the world. We believe that the fashion trends that are popular in the U. S. will become popular in Turkey as well, and that V ictoria’s Secret lingerie can become part of the Turkish women’s daily life. Societal organization â€Å"is the patterned arrangement of relationships defining and regulation the manner by which its members interface with one another. The women in Turkey don’t have the same status as women in the U. S. , and the men and women’s roles may vary a lot. This might cause a problem when launching Victoria’s Secret in Turkey, nevertheless, we believe that the Turkish women, as they get more influence by the fashion trends in rest of the world, they will create a desire to buy our products. Victoria’s Secret is facing some sociocultural challenges when launching our business in Turkey, and we will have to give our customers some time to adapt to our products.However, when considering Turkey is development toward a more modern and global nation we have a bright outlook for the future, and believe those challenges will be exciting to tackle. Competit ion â€Å"International strategy is concerned with the way firms make fundamental choices about developing scare resources internationally. †It is going to be crucial for Victoria’s Secret to implement an international strategy because it involves decisions that deal with what products or services to offer, which markets to enter, and how to compete.It also deals with all the various functions in the organization, such as marketing and production. The goal with an international strategy is to create competitive advantage, which means that the business has achieved and maintained a unique and valuable position both globally and within a nation. To create sustainable competitive advantage it is important that a product or service creates value for consumers and for which customers are willing to pay for, are rare, are difficult to imitate or substitute, and are organized in a way that allows the company to fully exploit and capture the value of the product or service.Th ere are numerous lingerie companies in Turkey that can act as competitors when launching Victoria’s Secret in the country. The Turkish economy is growing and the local companies are developing great skills when it comes to adapt to customers demand, which results in companies that are becoming stronger when competing in the global market. However, the main reason why Victoria’s Secret has become so successful is because we have been able to create products and services that meet the criteria for a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore we believe that we will be able to successfully compete against the Turkish lingerie companies.Turkish is the predominant language in Turkey, spoken by 90% of the population. Minority languages include Kurdish, which is spoken by 6% of the population, although this isn't recognized as an official language. 1. 2% of the Turkish population speaks Arabic but most of those speakers are bilingual and speak Turkish as well. Because we wi ll compete at a local level we believe that it will be important to communicate in Turkish. We will make sure that we have employees that are fluent in Turkish to be a part of our marketing and business team in order to establish a local presence with our products.Because verbal communication is more dominant than written expression in business in Turkey we will focus much of our advertising through media such as radio and TV. Since most of population is Muslim we have to take this into consideration when creating our advertising campaigns. Something that could be a challenge for us is the variable prices many stores and competitors have. This cultural difference where everything is negotiable have to be considered when entering Turkey. A wide range of shops has no prices listed. Customers simply have to ask the price of everything and the sales person will have the right answer.Even luxury shops selling diamond jewelry are open to negotiation. We have chosen not to adjust to this c ultural difference. It does not go well with our business model and we believe that customers will be able to adjust to Victoria’s Secret stricter price listings. But, it is still something to be aware of when training our employees that will be working in our stores. Special offers and other sales or marketing tricks are common in the Turkish business environment. The â€Å"buy one, get one free†offer can be seen in most retail stores in Turkey. This is something that we will use and take advantage of.We will use the same strategies as we have in the US. Making special offers for customers if they buy more than one of selected items. Seasonal offers will also be implemented. Victoria’s Secret in the Middle East We want to make Victory Secret the most known lingerie brand in the world. By expanding with a third store in the Middle East, and more specific in Turkey, we are certain that we will be able to reach this goal. Works Cited https://www. cia. gov/library /publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tu. html http://blog-en. icanlocalize. com/2008/09/marketing-challenges-turkey/ http://www. communicaid. om/access/pdf/library/culture/doing-business-in/Doing%20Business%20in%20Turkey. pdf http://export. gov/turkey/doingbusinessinturkey/index. asp http://www. isik-ymm. com. tr/doingbusinessinturkey. pdf http://blog-en. icanlocalize. com/2008/09/marketing-challenges-turkey/ http://www. drpatrickcarter. com/blog/2010/09/marketing-in-turkey/ http://www. bbc. co. uk/languages/european_languages/countries/turkey. shtml https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tu. html http://www. nytimes. com/2011/05/05/world/middleeast/05iht-M05-WORK-WOMEN. html https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/tu. html
Friday, August 30, 2019
How to play soccer Essay
How To Play Soccer? Soccer is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. According to FIFA which is the international foundation of football association, soccer is played by two hundred and fifty million players in over two hundred countries, making it the world’s most popular sport. The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by using any part of the body besides the arms and hands to get the ball into the opposing goal. One way to learn how to play soccer is to know its skills, field and equipment and the general rules. There are five fundamental skills that a beginner player should know before starting playing soccer. The major skill is passing, knowing how to pass the ball to other teammates is a major part of the game by using the inside part of the foot. In addition to passing, controlling the ball is another necessary skill that any player should master. Also, dribbling an opponent with or without the ball is a skill that needs some techniques, not every soccer player can dribble. Moreover, kicking the ball is a major skill that allows players to score goals, to kick a ball, a player should hit the ball in the center by using the front of the foot. Finally, stopping the opponent or tackling is one of the duties that is assigned to defenders and midfielders, they try as much as they can to recuperate the ball from the opponent team in order to rebuild an attack. Passing, controlling, dribbling, kicking and tackling are the five major skills in soccer. Additionally, soccer is played in a rectangular field that is divided into two parts. The length of the field is one hundred and thirty yards and the width is hundred yards. In addition, there are eleven player in each side of the field, every player has a position that is assigned by the coach who choose the best tactic to play, the most famous tactic is 4-4-2: one goalkeeper, four defenders, four midfielders and two attackers. Furthermore, we don’t need much equipment to play soccer, all what we need is a spherical ball, a jersey, a short and shin guards to protect players legs. The Field, players positions and the equipment are three vital elements in playing soccer. Moreover, like other sports, soccer has its own rules. There is four referees, the duty of the official referee is to enforce the laws of the game and control the match in co-operation with the two assistant referees and with the fourth official who organize substitutions. There are two types of warnings in soccer, yellow and red card. The referee give one the cards basing on the foul committed. For example, if a defender touches the ball by his hand voluntarily, the referee give him a yellow card, if the player touches the ball inside the operating area the referee gives him a red card which means an expulsion from the match. In addition, there are two kinds of kicks in soccer, direct and indirect kick. In direct kick the player kicks the ball directly to the net. In contrast, in the indirect kick, the player passes the ball to one of his teammate to continue their attack operation. Having an idea about soccer rules, fouls and the different types of kicks may help players to get familiar with the circumstances of matchs. Finally, based on my experience, I believe that soccer is a wonderful sport to play because it combines between tactical and physical skills. Also it needs few equipment and requires to know about basic rules to ensure a better playing condition.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Gender Discrimination Essay
An unfair or unequal treatment which is directed at a person based on his or her sex or gender is defined as gender discrimination. Most typically it resulted from the stereotypical association of certain character traits with women as well as men, the identification of feminine character traits as less desirable and the disadvantage s that result. 3 Most often the victims of gender discrimination are women, however, in principle it can also be directed to men. Discrimination can either be direct or indirect, deliberate or accidental. There are two kinds of gender discrimination which includes: 1) Disparate treatment is a direct treatment wherein an employee for instance is treated differently because of his or her gender; and 2) Disparate Impact on the other hand, is complex which happens when a company policy for instance, excludes certain people from the jobs or promotions. Although company policy is not designed to exclude these result becomes unfair. 4 This research aims to answer the question of what is gender discrimination, the disadvantage that women faced due to gender discrimination, gender discrimination not only in women but also in men and its occurrences in different settings, the laws that prohibits gender discrimination as well as statistical evidence of charges based on gender discrimination. Disadvantages faced by Women Most women around the world experienced lower pay for work of equal value, illiteracy rates are high and in addition to that, access to health care are poor. Recent report of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) have shown that in many of the main indicators that measure progress towards gender equality and women empowerment, women fall short. Worldwide rate of literacy for women is 71. 4 percent, while men on the other hand, is 83. 7 percent. Research showed that out of 960 million illiterate adults, two-thirds of them are women. With women employed in industry and services, gender gap in earning persists earning 78 percent of what men earn in the same sector is typical. The share of women in decision making positions, have reached 30 % in only 28 countries in the 1990s. In addition to that, out of 1. 3 billion people living in poverty, 70 % are women. 1 Gender Discrimination Occur in Different Settings In many different settings gender discrimination can take place which include the following: 1) Employment setting includes claims in which employers asked discriminatory questions based on gender during the process of an interview; that employer failed to hire and promote, or wrongfully terminated an employee on the basis of his or her gender; unequal pay claims; as well as claims for employee’s sexual harassment; 2) Education setting wherein claims for exclusion from educational programs or the opportunities based on gender and claims for sexual harassment of students are included; 3) Housing Setting includes claims for refusal to negotiate with a person who wants to seek housing, claims for imposition of different lease or contract terms as well as claims for refusal to extend a loan on the basis of gender of the applicant, tenant, or buyer; and 4) Borrowing or credit setting wherein it claims that there is a refusal to extend credits, imposition of unequal loan terms and i mproper inquiries during the credit or loan process of approval, based on the gender of the applicant. 3 Laws Prohibiting Gender Discrimination Most laws were originated at the Federal level, through federal legislation such as the Equal Pay Act which guarantees and regulates civil rights including the law relating to gender discrimination. Through federal court decisions such as those which are handed down by the supreme court of the U. S. , civil rights have been defined and interpreted. Usually very similar to those at the federal level, the States have also pass their own civil rights law, even municipalities like cities as well as counties can enact ordinances and laws which are related to civil rights and gender discrimination. 3 Title VII Civil Right Act of 1964 In order to protect individuals against employment discrimination on the basis of sex, race color, nation origin as well as religion the Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 was enacted. This applies to those employers with 15 or more employees, which includes the state as well as the local governments. Moreover it is also applied to employment agencies, labor organizations and the federal government. Civil Right Act of 1964 states that, to discriminate against employee or applicant for employment because of his or her sex with regards to hiring, termination, promotion, compensation, job training, or any other term, condition or privilege of employment is unlawful. Employment decisions based on stereotypes and assumptions about abilities, traits, or the performance of the individuals on the basis of sex are prohibited by the Title VII. In addition to that, intentional discrimination and neutral job policies which disproportionately exclude individuals on the basis of sex and that are not job related is also prohibited. Prohibitions of Title VII against sex-based discrimination also includes: 1) Sexual harassment which includes practices ranging from direct requests for sexual favors to workplace conditions which create a hostile environment for persons of either gender, including harassment with the same sex; and 2) Pregnancy based discrimination (Pregnancy Discrimination Act) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, child birth as well as related medical conditions. 5 Equal Pay Act of 1963 This Act requires that equal pay for equal work must be given to men as well as women in the same establishment. The jobs need not be identical however they must be substantially equal. Compensation discrimination based on sex is also prohibited in Title VII however, not like the Equal Pay Act, the Title VII does not require that the claimant’s job be substantially equal to that person of the opposite sex with higher payment or require the claimant to work in the same establishment. Based also on research, it also states that to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices which discriminate on the basis of sex or for filling discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or litigation under Title VII is also unlawful. 5 Equal Credit Opportunity Act It prohibits the creditors from discriminating the credit applicants based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age or for the reason that an applicant receives income coming from a public assistance program. 2 Fair Housing Act It prohibits discrimination in sale, rental, as well as financing of housing based on color, race, national origin, sex, religion, familial status, as well as disability. 2 Family and Medical Leave Act This Act gives employees the right to take time off from their work in order to take care of their newborn or recently adopted child, or to look after family member who are ill patients. 2 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 This Education Amendments prohibits gender discrimination in programs of education which receives federal funds, to increase educational as well as athletic opportunities for females in schools and colleges nationwide. 2 U. S. Code Title 42, Chapter 21 Civil Rights This prohibits discrimination against persons on the basis of their age, gender, disability, race, national origin, and religion in a number of settings which include education, employment, access to businesses and buildings, federal services and others. In this chapter one can find a number of federal acts which are related to Civil Rights have been codified which includes the Civil Right Act of 1866, Civil Right Acts of 1964, as well as the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act. 2 Statistical Evidence of Charges Based on Gender Discrimination Based on Statistics, in Fiscal Year 2006, the EEOC have received 23,247 charges based on gender discrimination. According to study, EEOC have resolved 23,364 gender discrimination charges in FY 2006 and have recovered in monetary benefits for charging parties and other aggrieved individuals $99. 1 million. This does not include monetary benefits obtained through litigation. 5 Conclusion Gender discrimination is the unequal or unfair treatment on a person based on his or her sex or gender resulted from the stereotypical association of certain character traits with women as well as men. Most often the victims of gender discrimination are women, however, in principle it can also be directed to men. There are two kinds of gender discrimination which includes: 1) Disparate treatment is a direct treatment wherein an employee for instance is treated differently because of his or her gender; and 2) Disparate Impact on the other hand, is complex, which happens when a company policy for instance, excludes certain people from the jobs or promotions. Although company policy is not designed to exclude these result becomes unfair. Gender discrimination can take place in different settings such as employment setting, education setting, housing setting as well as borrowing and credit setting. Moreover, in order to protect individuals against discrimination there are laws that should be implemented. Most of these laws originated at the federal level through federal legislation such as Equal Pay Act which regulates and guarantees civil rights including the law relating to gender discrimination. Among the civil rights laws which prohibits gender discrimination are 1) Title VII Civil Right Act of 1964, 2) Equal Pay Act of 1963, 3) Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 4) Fair Housing Act, 5) Family and Medical Leave Act, 6) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as well as 7) U. S. Code Title 42, Chapter 21 Civil Acts. Works Cited 1â€Å"At the Crossroads of Gender and Racial Discrimination. †http://www. un. org/Wcar/e- kit/gender. htm. 2â€Å"Gender Discrimination: Applicable Laws,†FindLaw for the Public. FindLaw. 2007. 3â€Å"Gender Discrimination Basics. †FindLaw for the Public. FindLaw p. 1-2. 2007. 4â€Å"Gender Discrimination in the Workplace. †Allison and Taylor, Inc. 2007. 5â€Å"Sex-Based Discrimination. †The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commision. Modified 2 July, 2007. retrieved 9 Dec 2007 http://www. eeoc. gov/types/sex. html.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
About information technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
About information technology - Research Paper Example The major processes that take place in information technology include, Data to be used in any project is collected from the field and entered into the computer using several data input devices like the keyboard and the scanner. The data is then stored in the computer system for later use. Storing data in the field of information technology is done with internal computer hard disks and other external storage devices. These devices store data that is important to the users of the systems involved (Doyle, 2000). A database refers to a group of related data collected and stored together in a computer system to be used in the near future. Most database systems contain a number of different components that allow the stored data to be easily accessible by multiple users while at the same time maintaining the integrity of the data (Hannabuss, 2009). Data retrieval refers to the process of obtaining the processed data from the computer by various users. An example of data that is retrieved from the computer is of different nature and can be derived from different sources within the computer storage systems or from external sources (Ray, 2004). The external sources in which data can be retrieved include the Internet and the retrieved data is usually used to facilitate some decision support systems. Data transmission refers to the transfer of data from one computer to the other. Transmission takes three aspects that are, propagation, transmission and reception. The transmitted data is used by the computer users to complete some specific projects and in the decision-making process (Ray, 2004). Transmission can also be done through the Internet. There is a lot of data storage in the world today and the amount of data available for use is increasing each day. An equal number of data users accompany the increase in the amount of data
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Will The Middle Class survive in the United States Term Paper
Will The Middle Class survive in the United States - Term Paper Example Alternatively, a counterargument is presented to the effect that the middle class does not exist. The most important rhetoric of the modern society is perhaps based on the financial integrity and performance and the interplay with benefits and liabilities presented to individuals’ financial abilities. While social stratification may not be a welcome idea in the modern society, economic potential unfortunately creates an imprint of social classes dependent primarily on the economic status of individuals. Among the five presumed socioeconomic classes is the middle class which can be defined as the class comprising of between one-third to a fifth of employees in an economy and has white-collar employees, junior managers, small and middle entrepreneurs. In the apparent social stratification and classification, there are two lower classes ranking below the middle class and two classes higher in ranking than the middle class. From the table above, Weston (2011) tries to illustrate the definition of the various socioeconomic classes based on the range of earnings that they make and the position of the middle class has been highlighted in bold. Below and above this class, there are two socioeconomic classes with a possibility to move up and down the classes being dependent on the performance on earnings and individuals’ financial status. Depending on the general performance of the national economy, the distribution of the classes across the population may depict certain patterns. As an illustration, in the developed economies, the population in the advanced classes is higher than in the lower classes, which is the exact opposite in developing economies. Equally, the possibility of movement up and down the classes is reminiscent of the prevailing economic environment. It therefore implies that the middle class is composed or relatively better
Monday, August 26, 2019
Competition, Monopoly, and Oligopoly & Monopolistic Competitive Market Term Paper
Competition, Monopoly, and Oligopoly & Monopolistic Competitive Market Structure - Term Paper Example The research explained briefly on the perfect competitive market structure and revealed some features of this market structure. It described the way firms maximize profits with the help of diagrams, the researcher revealed the way they maximize profit at the equilibrium point in both short and long run. Lastly, the conclusion summed up the discussion, and the researcher provided some significant areas for further research study. The market is structured depending on varied factors and variation that determine the market structure of a particular firm in an economy. Competition is one of the factors or conditions that determines the structure of a firm. The economists assume that there are many buyers and sellers in the marketplace; hence, they compete favorably for the available products in the market. Therefore, competition in the market contributes to changes of prices for commodities; thus creating a shift in demand and supply curve. Furthermore, there are substitute products in t he marketplace; thus, when one product increases the prices, consumers chose the alternative of consuming substitute products. The buyers and sellers have the ability to influence prices for commodities, and this contributes to increased competition in the market. ... The buyers and sellers may exchange property rights and everyone in the market interacts voluntarily in order to achieve self-interest. The buyers and sellers interact; thus, they signal much information about the product through product prices. Successful sellers reduce prices in order to influence buyers and out-compete their competitor (Mankiw 2011, 36). The sellers can maximize profits in case the price exceeds the products costs. Monopoly A monopoly refers to a market structure whereby only a single producer or buyer for a commodity exists. The monopoly firms are the price makers because they are single sellers in the market. Monopoly is a single business firm and it is characterized by varied features including market restrictions because of high costs and production of homogenous products. The government has powers to control or restrict entries into the market by creating barriers. The barrier to market entry may result because the firm may have exclusive rights of accessing the natural resources. For instance, the Kenya Power and Lighting Company is a monopolistic firm because the government takes control over the resources. The same case applies to Saudi Arabia oil industry because the Saudi government is the sole control of the natural oil reserves. The market also have a patent right that impede other competitors from entering into the market. The monopoly firm is classified into numerous features including perfect monopoly whereby the single seller does not have substitute products. Therefore, there is no perfect competition, but such firms are extremely rare. Another one is imperfect monopoly whereby the single seller does not have close substitute products meaning that the
Concrete mix design and compression tests Assignment
Concrete mix design and compression tests - Assignment Example The results for the two materials were compared with special attention to the behaviors of each of them during loading. Testing of the two specimen metals preceded until fracture was realized. During the laboratory experimentation of the specimen metals, aluminum and steel were subjected to tensile tests in order to measure the tensile strengths. It was necessary to conduct the tests for Tensile strength for aluminum and steel, taking into consideration the fact that steel and aluminum are the most used materials during constructions and Engineering works. Ductility enables these two metal specimens to give extra tensile strengths. The tensile test helped in the determination of the elastic properties available in the specimen materials. The performances of the materials were measured by the behaviors that were observed on the materials and the conditions that support their performance. During this time, the challenges and failures of the experiment were observed. After the observation, emphasis shifted to the analysis of the information. The tests are expected to provide the framework on which Engineers can draw their conclusion and recommendation for reinforcing the bui lding materials and constructions in progress. The project is involves fundamental elasticity tests such as static tension test whereby the specimens of the two distinct materials are passed prepared and placed under weight which increasing becomes heavy. This is observed until the specimen attains the failure position. The measure of elasticity as one of the physical characteristics of the material determines whether the material will regain its original shape or will experience permanent deformation. The observation is meant to establish the proportional limit. This is the highest limit of stress, which the specimen material can produce and withstand while maintaining its position in the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Health and safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Health and safety - Assignment Example The primary legislation regarding safety and health regulation is the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974. Section 6 of this Act provides that suppliers of hazardous substances to small engineering workshops must take reasonable precautions to ensure safety and minimum risks to health. This regulation further obliges suppliers of hazardous substances to provide adequate information on risks to health and safety which the inherent properties of the substance pose to their users and handlers (HSE, 33, 2004). This law aims at controlling exposure to hazardous substances by employees that most frequently occurs to them when they are machining, welding, painting or cleaning and degreasing. This law further requires that suppliers should supply machinery complete with instructions for use of the same. This provision affects suppliers and purchasers of new and used machines within the European Union (HSE, 51, 2004). Some of the substances that workers may be exposed to include nickel-copper, nickel-chrome alloys, stainless steel and nickel alloys, stainless steel chromium alloys, lead and lead alloys, copper alloys containing beryllium and caladium-plated articles. The employees in these factories must have adequate personal protection for employees to minimize risks of negative health effects through the control dust, fume, spray and vapour. They should also take steps to minimize skin contact through adequate personal protection to the employees (HSE, 33, 2004). The Control of Substances Harzadous to Health Regulations 2002 provides that small engineering workshop owners must always assess the risks that exposure to hazardous substances poses to risks to the health of its employees. Workshops are also required to prevent workers exposure to these substances by the use of less hazardous forms of chemicals or even alternative processes that limit the risk of exposure (HSE, 34, 2004). Engineering Workshops are also required to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping Convention Essay
Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping Convention - Essay Example One of the many changes to 1978 convention, in 1995, was the requirement of obtaining a new STCW certificate. This was confusing and to some extent it still is as there were two certificates in circulation. The 1978 certificate and the 1995 certificate. The STCW 1978 certificate was there to certify that a sailor was working aboard a vessel prior to 01 Aug 98' and is yet required to fulfill some requirements. Therefore, a new mariner, after 01 Aug 98' cannot be issued a 1978 STCW certificate. New sailors, joining after the aforementioned date, are required to comply with convention requirements before they are eligible for 1995 certificate. 1978 certificate holders are required to go through a training process to close the gap before they can be issued with a 1995 certificate. The fact which gives rise to confusion is that both these certificates were created on the same date. In the US, after 31 Jan 03', no one can get a 1995 certificate by simply completing the training required for the big leap from 1978 to 1995. Each and every sailor is now required to fully comply with 1995 amendment requirements. As all the 1978 certificate holders could not complete all the formalities, the 31 Jan '03 was actually a relaxation of one year to the original date. Despite this relaxation US sailors were still required to get 1995 certification prior to entering waters of a foreign country. Why do we need standards STCW 1978 sets standards of qualification for seafarers on merchant ships. It was initially drafted in 1978 by conference at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London. It took six years and finally in 1984 STCW was enforced. In 1995 significant changes were brought about. On an international scale 'STCW 1978' was the first to actually establish and enforce basic requirements for training, certification and watchkeeping for mariners. Prior to this such standards were set by individual governments without any reference to practices in the rest of the world. As expected, the outcome of this chaotic situation was widely varied standards, practices and procedures. STCW lays out minimum standards for training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers and countries adhering to comply are independent in their choice to accept or exceed these standards. STCW also applies to ships of countries which have not yet accepted to comply with STCW standards (non-party States), in case they visit ports of party States. An article of the convention requires all party States to apply the control without any biasing or favor to party or non-party States. This can expose the vessels of non-party States to difficult and unexpected situations. As a result, majority of the states are now party States. Revisions to SWTC 1978 In December 1992 IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) agreed to a US proposal to review in detail the 1978 Convention in light of the involvement of human element in maritime accidents. Moreover, there also had been nurturing a feeling amongst some delegations that the Convention should be more people, and standards relating to people, orientated. Rather than emphasizing on construction of ships and equipment standards, areas relating to people, training and operational practices require more concentration. This resulted in MSC directing
Friday, August 23, 2019
A Clocwork Orange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Clocwork Orange - Essay Example He acts well on an involuntarily basis as she has turned out to be the supposed clockwork orange and more technical on his inside. The chaplain critiques and argues that true goodness ought to come from the within of an individual. His thoughts and actions do not show any aspect of dignity and freedom. Thus the role of morality in this film is to show the relationship that exists between conditioning and the morality of independence and dignity. The role of fate is evident with the main character of this film, for the way it starts to the end of the film, Alex engages himself in violent acts in the streets alongside his friends, he is involved in all kinds of violence, and however, fate has other plans for him as he encounters himself with the state authorities who have intention of changing him to a better person. A guy who used to be very violent is in a situation whereby he cannot defend his own life in the streets. For instance, he was beaten by a group of homeless people, just like the ones he beat before. When he gets home from prison, he is rejected by his parents, in the streets he seeks shelter from an old man, only to later realize that he is the husband of the wife who they had raped. The experiments at the prison make him weak and he can’t commit any more crime. He is locked in a room where he breaks down and commits suicide. In this movie, fates send Alex to his own world. In the movie, its evident that there are behaviors that when ne is involved in, no one wants to get involved with you, this is clear in Alex, he and his friends had committed so many crimes to a point that he was rejected in his own family, life is a merry go round, what one treats others is the same treatment that oat one point of life he will receive. After the experiment I was surprised to see that Alex could not imagine of ant criminal activity leave alone committing one. To make matters worse, Alex
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Students Living at Home and Living Away from Family Essay Example for Free
Students Living at Home and Living Away from Family Essay This Chemistry module is designed for students who wish to study physical sciences or health sciences at tertiary level. | Pre-requisites:| None| ASSESSMENT STRATEGY * The outcomes of this module will be assessed using a variety of assessment strategies including, assignments and reports, in-class tests, laboratory investigations and an examination. * It is proposed that the following approximate weightings be assigned to the various forms of assessment within this module. * There may be significant variation in the assessment methods utilised by trainers in this module. Assignments/reports: 15-25% * Tests: 15-25% * Laboratory Investigations; 10 – 25% * Final Examination: %40 – 60% SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Describe composition of matter and chemical change. 2. Explain trends within the periodic table. 3. Describe Chemical Bonding in its various forms 4. Calculate chemical quantities and stoichiometry 5. Explain Oxidation Reduction reactions 6. Demonstrate a knowledge of Organic Chemistry (Optional Element) LEARNING OUTCOME| ASSESSMENT CRITERIA| 1. Describe composition of matter and chemical change. 1. 1 Describe the nature of matter in terms of atoms and molecules, elements and compounds . 1. 2 Describe atomic structure and electron configuration. 1. 3 Describe chemical change in terms of transfer or sharing of electrons| 2. Explain trends within the periodic table. | 2. 1 Describe chemical periodicity including distinguishing between metals and non-metals2. 2 Relate the electron configuration of elements to their place in the periodic table| 3. Describe Chemical Bonding in its various forms | 3. Recall chemical names and formulae of common ionic and covalent compounds. 3. 2 Describe the nature and theory of chemical bonding for ionic and covalent compounds, metals and network solids3. 3 Describe and explain the shapes and polarity of simple molecules. 3. 4 Describe the states of matter in terms of intermolecular forces. Include the properties of gases. | 4. Calculate chemical quantities and stoichiometry| Students must demons trate that they can complete calculations involving:4. chemical quantities, the mole, percentage composition, and empirical formula. (optional)4. 2 balanced equations, mass-mass stoichiometry, mass-concentration stoichiometry 4. 3 solution stoichiometry, concentrations and volumetric analysis. | 5. Explain Oxidation Reduction reactions| 5. 1 Define Oxidation and reduction and identify oxidised and reduced species in chemical reactions. 5. 2 Determine oxidation number and use it to determine whether oxidation reduction has occurred in particular reactions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
East-Asian Crisis Essay Example for Free
East-Asian Crisis Essay Has state played a leading role in upgrading technologies in Asia Pacific? Answer with reference to relevant theories and use comparative country or corporate examples. Introduction: The state is a lever that navigates economic process. It is managed by the country government which consists of all educational, socio-cultural, economical and geographical factors. The national innovation systems in Asia have a great significance in the process of technology adjustment (the national institutions, their incentive structures and their competencies, that determine the rate and direction of technological learning (or the volume and composition of change generating activities) in a country. †(Patel and Pavitt (1994: 79)) (4) It sustains governmental institutions and forms economic conditions and opportunities. It influences a market by all restrictions and policies which navigate all import and export activities. The Asia Pacific region includes one of the most economically developed countries in the world. According to academic articles(8) developmental states as South Korea, Japan and Taiwan quickened their industrialisation in order to synchronise their economies with globalisation growth. From a historical perspective South Asia went through enormous industrial and state transformation after 2nd World War till the beginning of 21st century. An effective industrialisation process created the need of upgrading technologies and expanding business relations so to sustain the Asian competitive advantage and stabilise its economy. Furthermore a governmental institutional reform appeared to be essential element of the whole adjustment stage. The â€Å"tiger†(9) economies of Hong Kong and Singapore (plus these of South Korea and Taiwan) impressively adapted to balanced level of navigating their market and a â€Å"miracle†GDP growth followed. Examining the transformation processes in these economies creates an objective view of how the state influenced changes in technologies and why it has such a significant part in the East-Asian success. Body: The developmental states Japan: The process of industrialisation is a key developmental factor. It emerged in the beginning of the 20th century by the development of four machine industries: the rolling stock, spinning and weaving machines, machine tools and electric machinery(5)Between all of them the government held strongest influence on the rolling stock-a sub railway system which is an official representative of the system, having trade responsibility and negotiates with suppliers(6).The JNR(Japanese National Railway) policy changed after the 1950s and the private sector started managing its policies with governmental assistance. The rolling stock trading process established the Japanese co-operation with West-European suppliers. Essential approaches like government’s guidance in applying industrial policy, adjustment in labour-management relations, tolerating entrepreneurial firms seen as innovators instead of the zaibatsu-structured equivalents, were taken (3).The mentioned events , concerning Japanese technology adjusting, show the strong relation between state policies and technology level . The state itself is the agent which drives all innovations by the power of its policies and regulations. It played a main role in the factory legislation. Women workers needed protection and they could only receive it by governmental intervention. A report by AAB(Agricultural Affairs Bureau) in 1900 confirmed the negative affect of night shifts onto labour efficiency and technical progress. By taking in consideration this example the state role can be considered as more than crucial. It maintains the economy growth by securing its population conditions (human rights; socio-cultural perspective).In this way it sustains the workforce of the country, which is a main element of stabilising competitive advantage. Despite the fact that most economic articles stress on the â€Å"Japanese Miracle†(1) as a significant period of technology updating and state-system adjustment, the pioneers in technology investment appeared in the Meiji period. These businessmen founded a significant process which contributed to the rapid economic growth after World War II. Japanese role in the Electro-chemical industry has massively influenced the power of Japanese Army. Scientifically educated employees contributed for a better business analysis and strategies. A continuous growth is achieved when a government is concerned both for its trading power and socio-educational system. If both elements are properly maintained a country is able to sustain its competitive status worldwide as its observed in the Japanese case of Toyota-one of the most successful car manufacturer’s. â€Å"The key to the Toyota Way and what makes Toyota stand out is not any of the individual elements. But what is important is having all the elements together as a system. It must be practiced every day in a very consistent mannerâ€â€not in spurts†(11) Toyota is a great example of brilliant cooperation between increasing labour efficiency and adjustin g technology system. Toyota took some fruitful approaches from the Western European managerial model and kept its unique values from the Japanese culture. It is observed that the more an Asian industry is independent from the state the better it adapts to the global business environment. State policies founded initial basis of the most important Asian features that should be taken and not changed in the business-cycle of a company. Toyota managed to follow the roots of the Japanese â€Å"know how†and at the same time keeps attracting professionals from all over the world in order to sustain its competitive advantage. Furthermore as a modern massive share-holder in different sectors it transformed into customer-oriented company targeting more market segments and reassuring to keep the demand of current customers. This is just one of the many great Japanese examples of sustaining a global market share. It can be stated that the more globalisation expands the higher is the need of rapid adaptation m ethods. Strongly centralised firms should transfer into more de-centralised strategic schemes if they want to achieve bigger success on a international level. Korea: From historical perspective Korea was controversially affected by both US (United States-South Korea) and the USSR(Union of Souviet Socialist Rebubplics-North Korea)During the Rhy government period(7) Korea focused on two massive industrial sectors: consumer goods and construction. After the Korean War (1950-1953) they become leading suppliers in these niches. Collaboration between the’’chaebols’’-â€Å"a group of companies, owed by a specific family, has centralised control and business in different industries that are not directly interrelated†((10)Korean Managerial Dynamics p.29) and the state can be considered as a main reason for the rapid industrialisation in the 1960s.The earlier establishment of cartels( Flour Mill, Sugar and Spinning Manufacturers)and corrupted Japanese and American support contributed to the chaebol growth. Hyundai is the major Korean constructor, which used to sustain and still does the Korean economy. Between 1940s and 1970s the ‘’chaebol’’ transformed into a large-multidivisional private system which expanded its business sectors. In this way the new system created economies of scale under a centralised management strategy. The renovated state policies enhanced the labour force and implemented the export industrialisation strategy. In order to (2)The chaebol business structure created highly-controlled production in the 1970s by hiring managers which took the role of supervisors. In the 1980s the government prioritised the need of higher workforce independence. The state shaped the legal frame of Korea, while supporting the chaebol economic and interest policies.((2);p.3)After the KCTU(Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) was established a significant decrease in the chaebol monopolism was noticed. In 1974 a â€Å"concentration of economic power†emerged as a negative issue.(Korean Managerial Dynamics; Chung, Khae and Lee, Hak Chong p.16) The Ko rean bank was forced to take action due to its monopolistic strength: all private businesses provided information to the open capital market. All monopolistic and cartel structures were constricted from entering new markets. Expectedly or not the existing cartels sustained their barriers of entry. Despite the fact Korea was stimulating domestic manufacturing there was a lack of physical technology ability and it has no choice but looking for external â€Å"packaged technology†(Korean Business: Internal and External factors) –component parts, specialised details, product specifications, quality control and professional assistance. In 1980 this resulted in high-inflation rates. Four recovering movements were taken: better managing of market mechanisms and stabilising price levels (led to export of domestically manufactured technologies); transforming domestic monopolism to a free-competitive foreign markets (increasing of social welfare); encouraging foundation of small-medium businesses. It can be concluded that all state reforms derived from either political external or internal problems. The complicated internal reforms caused to a non-balanced upgrading processes. Korea needed a quick re-navigation and focus on catching up with Western Europe rivals. Good examples of chaebol companies are Samsung and Hyundai. Samsung (founded in 1938 (12))business group is the largest one in terms of annual sales-21 billion dollars in 1987 with 160,000 workers in 42 companies (10 p.29) It entered the insurance, security and enterprise sectors. Nowadays it possesses a major shares in electronics, chemical, construction, manufacturing, land development, service and technology markets. By a constant governmental navigation and assistance this great example of East-Asian conglomerate diversified its supply. While the state takes responsibility of providing well-educated and strong workforce the company itself is concerned of the trading process and constant technology upgrading. â€Å"When Samsung has difficulties in transferring technology, it relied on several different strategic avenues: seeking alternative sources of technology, buying it from financially troubled, small American firms; developing its own technology; or entering a consortium with other local competitors to develop technology†((15)â€Å"Korean Business: Internal and External Industrialisation†) By analysing this strategic approach an excellent decision-making skills are observed. The alternative of â€Å"buying†from American small firms shows that the Korean leader constantly generates cash flow in order to afford such activities in a critical moment. Even â€Å"consortium†schemes were made which shows the great adaptation to the market condition and to all supplying competitors. By competing in different markets and upgrading its business structure Samsung enhances Korean economic stability and competitiveness on international level. A leading competitive ad vantage of Samsung is the brilliant combination of price and quality. The possession of well-educated managers and continuously upgraded technology provides a great reputation of top gadget- producer. Taiwan: The favourable geographic location of the country between the Far-East and Southeast Asia made it a desirable trading place between Western Europe and Asia. Different rivals colonised it as well. Taiwan started its technological developmental in a later stage comparing to its bigger neighbours Japan and Korea. After the 1990s Taiwan became one of the leading ICT(Information and technology communications)suppliers(16)Its well-maintained Research and Development sector and patented technology are fair reasons of the current success. Chinese neoliberalism: A slower economic growth in China is observed comparing to the Japanese and Korean one. A high negative influence of the conserved socio-cultural environment is a main reason. The CFB(Chinese Family Business) internal managerial system has a closed-family ideology. There was a conflict between Chinese conservatism and Chinese world-economy adaptation. Its governmentally centralised system suffered lack of managerial professionalism. This introvert attitude of CFB to business created an obstacle for further technologic improvement because establishing new operational system needs well-educated navigators familiarised with the technology. Furthermore loosing the market trading processes of import and export was irreversible. Modernisation schemes were taken: increase of international trades and foundation of FDI(Foreign Direct Investment- investing in country A, by taking advantage of its geographical and labour conditions and controlling from country B which owns all assets and benefit the bigger prt of the incentive) , which was quite beneficial strategy both for China and Japan. It was necessary to minimise the cultural interference and radically involve western techniques. By focusing onto micro-level variables as behaviour China kept losing its macro level of structural and technological competitiveness. The strong communism affected negatively on both industrialisation and technology adjustment. Recent technology-transfer Laws in the Asia Pacific: Setting up Transfer Laws has essential role in the whole Asia-Pacific trade legitimacy. They also determine the significance of technologies and how they are used in a more effective way. In China a warmer attitude to foreign companies is observed. Its entry into the WTO(World Trade Organisation) encouraged cross-continental transfers. In 1999 China accepted the UCL(Unified Contract Law) which gave more freedom by license agreement which can be signed between partners and fasten all transfers. In 2003 The Ministry of Commerce was founded as well as new three-type technology categorisation: prohibited, restricted or permitted. The foundation of such institutions was a necessity in order to exclude all wasting money and time processes, which is both beneficial for suppliers and buyers. The determinant of accepting import transfer is whether it will enhance China’s technological improvement. Furthermore it should not be an environmental and security constraint. Equivalent technology licences(legal and contractual) were formed in Japan. In April 2004 the National University Corporation Law was accepted, providing bigger educational independence which enhances the social welfare and gives more opportunities to young individuals specialise their skills into different sectors. Historically observed, South-Korea always had strictly controlled technology-licensing system in order to preserve newly-founded firms from their out-boundaries rivals and ensures continuous development. Co-operation between education and management led the Asian Pacific to a top place in the technology world. The laws approved in the end of 20th century were turned into a new transfer law in the 21st century. The FIPA(Foreign Investment Promotion Act) is in charge of all foreign investment s. It is an autonomous institution which has the power to simplify and navigate all import activities for the sake of higher country incentive. Its strategy is to attract investment and sustain competitive international advantage. The Monopoly Regulation and FTA(Fair Trade act )(Hill,2006)(19) Conclusion: While the Asia Pacific was struggling to escape out of its cultural constraints and its isolated business system during the first half of the 20th century, it appeared that it adapted rapidly through the second half of the century. It went under serious governmental and structural transforms. It seems that the Asian recovery period after the Second World War was far away more intensive and successful comparing to some European countries. From 1990 to 1997 Asia generated over one-third of the global value-added production by high-technology production industries, higher to the the European and US shares.(13) Investments in the Research and Development sector are significant for successf ul technology adjustment. The establishment of new universities and modifying their educational systems provide scientists and intelligent individuals who can operate and cope with the technology process. The importance of conserving culture-oriented models is of the same sensuality as expanding growth on international level. The Asian ambition of establishing leadership in important world industries contributed to its success. Although there were huge periods of struggling adapting new managerial work-plans the â€Å"tiger economies†managed to survive during tough war and reform periods. Even not really friendly-orientated of cooperating between each other Asian economy survived because of the common adaptation strength and control of markets. The connection between the state and business was not simply one of interference or direction by the state of the market. â€Å"It was rather a positive partnership involving many connections between entities†(Johnson,1997)A geographical advantage of more isolated location in the world enhanced the Asian state independence and its technology orientation. Obviously the bigger sized Asian economies like China and Japan overtook cultural and religion influence.They started their recovering processes more rapidly comparing to the late-comer economies of Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia.(Warner,2007) Bibliography: 1. Maidement, R., Mackerras C., (1998) Culture and Society In The Asia-Pacific, United Kingdom: Routledge 2. Rowley, C., Bae, J., (1998) Korean Business Internal and External Industrialization, Chippenham: Antony Rowe Ltd. 3. Yui, T., Nakagawa, (1989) Japanese Management in Historical Perspective, Japan: University of Tokyo Press 4. Kwon, S., O’Donnell, M., (2001) The Chaebol and Labour in Korea The development of managmenet strategy in Hyundai, Oxon: Routledge 5. Rowley, C., Warner, M., (2009) Management in South-East Asia Business Culture, Enterprises and Human Resources, Oxfordshire: Routledge 6. Chung, K., Lee H., (1989) Korean Managerial Dynamics, New York: Praeger 7. The Japanese Miracle, Date accessed 2/12/2012 8. Borisova, N., (2011) The market, the state, and the culture in economic development in Asia, Date accessed 2/12/2012 9. (2004)Four The Rise of the Regions: Fiscal Reform and the Decline of Central State Capacity i n China 10. Date accessed 2/12/2012 11. Wu Y., (2004) The China Quarty, Volume 177, pp 91-114 12. Samsung History, Date accessed 3/12/2012 13. Taiwan’s Technology Industry Marks Global Success Date accessed 4/12/2012 14. 15. 16. 17. 10) 18. Hill, D., 2006, â€Å"Developments in Asia†,The Licensing Journal
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Do We Need Professional Or Non Professional Nurses Nursing Essay
Do We Need Professional Or Non Professional Nurses Nursing Essay This project plan entitled Insufficient Nurse Staffing Problem versus Economic Crisis: Do We Need Professional or Non-Professional Nurses? discussed about the importance of choosing between a Professional Nurse and a Non-Professional Nurse to meet the divergence of supply and demand that is evidenced in the insufficient nurse staffing against economic crisis, with significant implications for patient safety, which is also what Nursing profession faces continuously. The aims/objectives of this project plan are (a) to explore the nurse education and patients quality of life in a broader sense, (b) to determine the divergence between demand and supply that is evidenced in insufficient nurse staffing with significant implications for patient safety is what Nursing profession faces continuously. Background discussed about the Level of Nursing Education the Quality of Care taken from researched articles correlated to the topic. Methodology used is Literature Review. Conclusion: In the issue of economic crisis versus staffing problem, the institutions will be the one to decide in managing changes needed to make both ends meet, provide an adequacy on staffing and financial crisis of the institutions/hospitals, but should consider the quality of care and that the standards of nursing practice must be met in order not to demoralize the image of nursing, whether the nurse provider is a professional or non-professional nurse. Key concepts: Professional and Non-Professional Nurses, Occupation, Profession I. INTRODUCTION: Nursing profession is a great human elements provided great services to humanity. Since the earliest times to the present, the healthcare workers in the nursing profession help individuals and families in their communities and countries. Nursing as a profession focused on assisting individuals and families. Workers in nursing participate competently and bravely in health care in all countries of the world. In war and peace, work in difficult circumstances and contribute to the development of their communities. All nurses must remember as what has been stated in nurses pledge by Florence Nightingale: I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. (American Nurses Association, 2010) e However, in recent years, questions have been raised about whether nursing is a profession or an occupation. This is important for nurses to consider for several reasons, starting from differentiating the terms à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ºprofession and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ºoccupation, professional and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ºnon-professional nurse. An occupation is a job or a career, whereas a profession is a learned vocation or occupation that has a status of superiority and precedence within a division of work. In general terms, occupations require widely varying levels of training or education, varying levels of skill, and widely variable defined knowledge bases. Indeed, all professions are occupations, but not all occupation is profession. (McEwen et al., 2007). Therefore based on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ºnursing as an occupation, a professional nurse is a healthcare professional who, in collaboration with other member of a healthcare team, is responsible for treatment, safety and recovery of acute or chronically ill individuals; health promotion, and maintenance within families, communities and population; and treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of healthcare settings. (Wikipedia, While, the term non-professional means one who is not of, relating to, suitable for, or engaged in a profession or not undertaken or performed for gain or by people who are paid. (Farlex, 2010). Therefore the term non-professional nurse is a person responsible for assisting in the delivery of non-professional nursing care, under the direction of a Registered Nurse/Professional nurse in a defined care team and in accordance with scope of practice. (NWJobs, 2010) This research work is presenting the current problem nowadays: (1) In the problem of insufficiency of nursing staffs versus the economic crisis; do we need a professional or non-professional nurses? II. BACKGROUND: A. Level of Nursing Education: Diploma programs: diploma programs are hospital based educational programs that provide a rich clinical experience for nursing students. These programs are often associated with colleges or universities. Baccalaureate degree programs: Baccalaureate degree programs are located in senior colleges and universities and are generally 4 years in length. Masters programs: Masters Programs provide specialized knowledge and skills that enable nurses to assume advanced roles in practice, education, administration, and research. Doctoral programs: these programs further prepare the nurse for advanced clinical practice, administration, education, and research. (Berman et al., 2008) B. Quality of Care: The quality of care can be more precisely described as seeking to achieve excellent standards of care. It includes assessing the appropriateness of medical tests and treatments and measures to improve personal health care consistently in all areas of medicine. (Duffy, 2009) Issues nowadays tackled the changing image of nursing as profession in the community due to the economic value caused by cost-containment strategy played out in restructuring and redesigning care delivery, decisions were made to replace registered nurses with non-professional, less skilled, unlicensed personnel/nurses because professional/registered nurses were seen as too costly. Also implemented were new models of patient-centered care delivered by cross-trained, non-professional unlicensed personnel. (AACN,2010) A divergence between demand and supply that is evidenced in insufficient nurse staffing with significant implications for patient safety is what Nursing profession faces continuously. Many believe this shortage of registered nurses is entrenched in long-standing problems related to the value and image of nursing and the limited role nursing has had in identifying priorities within health care delivery systems. (AACN, 2010) There is a predicted shortfall of qualified nursing staff in both low and high-income countries. A combination of demography, restructured health care systems and social values has made lack of nursing personnel a main concern for health care administrators, politicians and the nursing professions. The growing shortage of health care workers has become an international challenge. (Sorgaard KW et al. 2010) One of the central tenants of professional self regulation is the ability to maintain and control a professional register. To this end self regulating professions, such as nursing, have been responsible for controlling entry to their register. This is done through the setting of the standards to be achieved before entry is possible (Irving, 1997). In addition, the professions also have responsibility for the removal of practitioners who are considered unfit to practise. (Unsworth J. 2010) The Practice nurses are an integral part of general practice/ family medicine teams in the UK, with a role which encompasses general treatment room duties, nursing duties and chronic disease management. (ODonnell et al., 2010) There has been little or no attention paid to professional isolation as it impacts on practice nurses. These developments need to be considered in the wider context of nursing recruitment and retention. Recruitment and retention of staff presents challenges for both nursing and medicine, in the UK and abroad. (Shields et al., 2001; Camerin et al., 2006) Doctoral education, which systematically helps to develop nurse scholars, has been offered the longest in the USA, since the 1930s (Redman Ketefian 1997). Over 30 years ago Andreoli (1977, p. 53) described the struggles of that countrys nurses to overcome prejudice in higher learning institutes, and the steps needed to prepare nurses professionally for scholarship and research if they were to be accepted and survive in academia. Such struggles were mirrored in other countries, including the UK and Australia where academics stated their predictions and preferences for the development of nursing within academia (Deans et al. 2003). In South America, several countries now offer doctoral programmes for nurses, but there is significant work to be done because poverty is the norm. In a number of European countries, nursing research is also beginning to flourish (Turale et al. 2009). The number of nurses currently in the workforce based on their educational preparation: those with undergraduate education (diploma, associate, baccalaureate degrees) and those with graduate education (masters and doctoral degrees). The figure depicts a much higher number of nurses prepared at the diploma/associate degree level compared to all other categories and the relatively small number of nurses prepared with graduate degrees. The limited number of nurses prepared with graduate degrees presents a significant problem for educating future nurses and furthering effective nursing practice; masters-prepared clinicians are needed to teach and provide primary care, and doctoral faculty are needed to teach and conduct research. Without an adequate number of nurses prepared at the graduate level, we will be unable to educate enough nurses to meet the demands for care at all levels in the near future (Ellenbecker ., 2010). III. Aim / Objective: A. To explore the nurse education and patients quality of life in a broader sense. B. To determine the divergence between demand and supply that is evidenced in insufficient nurse staffing with significant implications for patient safety is what Nursing profession faces continuously. IV. Method: Literature review : a critical summary of research on a topic of interest, often prepared to put a research problem in context (Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T, 2008). The authors searched in the books, and accessed for free on the internet through the pubMed website . We found 142 search serves the purpose in one way or another, but, according to the Plan of Action Research the authors selected 10 was very close to the idea that foucas to study Which served in our aim. The authors used all the elements in the full text can be printed on Library. The authors have read the articles lists and review them, and looking such research in the knowledge that related to the our aim. V. Research Ethics: The authors foundation from the article was clear and the researchers displayed respect for human dignity. The author did the job for searching by honest and professional way, without hidden or disappear any good or truth result. (Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T, 2008). VI. Relevance: The author conveyed the informations through this research to increase awareness for the staff nurses about knowing the difference between professional and non-professional nursing is important and vital to the life process. This research shows that professional development can enhance the skills of both new and long time staffers. Though the concept of professional development is not new, its significance for youth workers has been gaining momentum slowly. This research summarizes the importance of professional development, identifies core competencies for youth workers, highlights professional development training delivery models, and sets forth next steps for professional development that can benefit youth programs. In the issue of economic crisis versus staffing problem, the institutions will be the one to decide in managing changes needed to make both ends meet, provide an adequacy on staffing and financial crisis of the institutions/hospitals, but should consider the quality of care and that the standards of nursing practice must be met in order not to demoralize the image of nursing, whether the nurse provider is a professional or non-professional nurse.
U.s Investment In Mexico :: essays research papers
U.S Investment in Mexico Economics 580 Dr. Leon Haitham Boukhadour Fall 96 Mexico has established itself as one of the biggest emerging markets in the world today. It has exhibited many of the signs of a high growth economy, offering several advantages to prospective investors. Some highlights of the Mexican economy include " single-digit inflation, a balanced public budget, real economic growth (presently at a rate of 12 percent), a deregulated economy and a favorable investment climate" (Risk Management/ June 94, P.32). Mexico also possesses a strategic geographic location as a gate way to Latin American markets. Mexico is among the fastest- growing export markets for the United States. In 1985, Mexico became the third largest market for total U.S. exports, behind Canada and Japan. In 1992, Mexico surpassed Japan as the second largest export market for U.S. manufactured goods. Mexico now accounts for $1 out of every $10 of total U.S. exports. After the passing of NAFTA, bilateral trade was quite balanced in 1994, with the U.S. registering a surplus of $1.3 billion, virtually unchanged from 1993. However, there was a sharp increase in trade opportunities, as both import and export growth exceeded 20 percent. One-fifth of the total trade that occurs between the United States and Mexico was created in 1994. One of the major sectors that holds a large promise for the U.S. manufacturers is that of the automobile industry. The Mexican market for auto parts is expected to grow by 24 percent from 1994 levels to $16.9 billion in the year 2000. It is also expected that NAFTA will help increase the U.S. export share of the Mexican market to around 70 percent by the year 2000. In the long run, Mexico's location could profit the U.S. industries that establish themselves there, through an expanded free trade area in Latin America, which could include Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, and Chile. Such expansion could prove crucial to the U.S. industry, as a strong export orientation helped sustain industry growth. Exports increased from 18.5 percent of total output in 1989 to 27.2 percent in 1991. And the level of employment which could be attributed to exports increased from 116,500 in 1989 to 154,200 in 1991. Mexico also offers some intriguing possibilities in terms of production facilities for U.S. based firms. In 1994 alone Mexican car and truck production totaled 1.173 million units, up 8.6 percent from 1993. The Mexican government had along term plan in terms of automobile production in Mexico, and it is in a phase now that favors foreign investors and exportation out of the Mexican market. Check the figure bellow to see how the plan has progressed so far.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Conrads Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans Essay
Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans     The Western world, generally speaking, is not kind to Africa and its native inhabitants. We acknowledge Africa's existence, but we do not want to see or understand anything about it beyond the obvious: overt things that are open to criticism like Apartheid (a European invention). The occasional praiseworthy entity is given momentary applause, but felicitations are short-lived and quickly forgotten. These statements refer just to politics, so one can imagine the rightful indignation by twentieth-century African writers when their work is largely ignored in favor of such enlightening fare as Heart of Darkness. One writer, Chinua Achebe, seeks to change this view by illustrating the complex, unquestionably civilized rituals and protocols of day-to-day African life. He is not alone in his endeavor, as several other writers also portray an Africa worthy of respect while they crumble the long-standing traditions of ignorant bias and patronization. Can Achebe really change the perception that Africa is nothing more than the heart of an immense darkness that surrounds all of us? That is exactly what he tries to do in his essay on racism. He ascertains that "white racism against Africa is such a normal way of thinking that its manifestations go completely unremarked." He further questions the classification of Heart of Darkness (or any work that dehumanizes Africans) as a "great work of art" (12). Obviously, this essay is more direct in its attack on the standard view of Africa than his novels, but Achebe uses the essay forum to state his hopes about the future of African literature in the West. He wants to rehabilitate this image that he keeps seeing from everyone who ha... ...oroughly rehabilitated me towards Africans in literature. Only a few billion more to go until Achebe can call his project a success.  Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness." Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays. New York: Anchor, 1990. -- -- --. No Longer at Ease. London: Heinemann, 1960. -- -- --. Things Fall Apart. 1958. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995. Ba, Mariama. So Long a Letter. 1980. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Signet, 1997. Soyinka, Wole. Death and the King's Horseman. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Caspian Basin and the Caspian Environment Programme Essay -- Natur
The Caspian Basin and the Caspian Environment Programme The Caspian Basin is a unique ecosystem, the largest inland body of water in the world; and yet its importance in global politics is much more linked to its wealth of natural resources of oil and gas, rather than to any intrinsic environmental worth. This paper will analyse the policy process concerning a regional international regime, the Caspian Environment Programme (CEP). This organisation was initiated by major external donor actors, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Bank, yet intimately involves the five littoral states of the Caspian: the four ex-republics of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) – Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan – as well as the Islamic Republic of Iran. When considering the area of policy process analysis, it is essential to remember the complexity involved, but most importantly, that the various elements, whether the actors, institutions, or the instru ments involved, are all influenced and shaped by how the process has developed before. It is this interaction of change, a product of policy feedback and learning, together with continuity, which informs the policy process. While the CEP is a new organisation (officially established from mid-1998), it is heavily influenced by the inputs of the aforementioned donor agencies, which are operating within institutional constraints and a contextual process. In addition, when analysing the efforts to safeguard the ecological and environmental aspects of the Caspian, there is the problem of common pool resources, where there is every incentive to exploit the natural resource wealth, while taking little responsibil... ...g/unep/section2.htm UNDP: World Bank: Saiko, T. A. and Zonn, I. S. (1996). "Europe’s First Desert." In Glantz, M. H. and Zonn, I. S. (eds.) Scientific, Environmental, and Political Issues in the Circum-Caspian Region. (pp.141-144) Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Sievers, E. W. (2001). "The Caspian, Regional Seas, and the Case for a Cultural Study of Law." Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 13, pp.361-. State Dept on-line sources: Vinogradov, S. V. (1996). "Toward Regional Cooperation in the Caspian: A Legal Perspective." In Glantz, M. H. and Zonn, I. S. (eds.) Scientific, Environmental, and Political Issues in the Circum-Caspian Region. (pp.53-66) Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Pmp Application Sample
PMP Application Work Experience Please enter the number of hours spent on each of these tasks for each project. Please enter a value between 0 and 9999. Hours must be entered in quarter hour increments. 1 Initiating Process Conduct project selection methods to evaluate the feasibility of new products or services Identify key stakeholders and perform analysis to gain buy-in and requirements for the success of the project. Define the scope of the project based on the organization need to meet the customer project expectations. 0. 00 Develop the project charter and review it with key stakeholders to confirm project scope, risks, issues, assumptions and constraints as well as obtain project charter approval from the project sponsor. Identify and document high level risks, assumptions and constraints using historical data and expert judgment. 128. 00 2 Planning Process Identify key project team members and define roles and responsibilities to create a project organization structure to dev elop a communication plan.Create the work breakdown structure with the team to develop the cost, schedule, resource, quality and procurement plans. Identify project risks to define risk strategies and develop the risk management plan. Obtain project plan approval from the customer and conduct a kick off meeting with all key stakeholders. Define and record detail project requirements, constraints and assumptions with the stakeholders to establish the project deliverables. Develop the change management plan to define how changes will be handled to manage the triple constraints. 36. 00 3 Executing Process Manage proactively the resource allocation by ensuring that appropriate resources and tools are assigned to the tasks according to the project plan. Execute the tasks defined in the project plan in order to achieve the project goals. Ensure a common understanding and set expectations through communication to align the stakeholders and team members. Hours 8. 00 Hours Hours Required 450 0 Hours Hours Hours Hours 8. 00 40. 00 40. 00 40. 00 40. 00 40. 00 0. 00 128. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 8. 00 8. 00 40. 00 40. 00 8. 0 40. 00 40. 00 8. 00 40. 00 40. 00 0. 00 136. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 40. 00 20. 00 40. 00 20. 00 8. 00 8. 00 Improve team performance by building team cohesiveness, leading, mentoring, training, and motivating in order to facilitate cooperation, ensure project efficiency and boost morale. Implement a quality management plan to ensure that work is being performed according to required quality standards. Implement approved changes according to the Change Management Plan. Obtain project resources in accordance with a procurement plan.Implement the approved actions and workarounds required to minimize the impact of project risks. 92. 00 4 Monitoring and Controlling Measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques. Verify and manage changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs as defined in the change management plan. Monitor the status of all identified risks, identify any new risks, take corrective actions and update the risk response plan. Ensure the project deliverables conform to quality standards established in the project quality plan. 0. 00 5 Closing Process Formalize and obtain final acceptance for the project. Identify, document and communicate lessons learned. Archive and retain project records, historical information and documents (e. g. , project schedule, project plan, lessons learned, surveys, risk and issues logs, etc. ) in order to retain organizational knowledge, comply with statutory requirements, and ensure availability of data for potential use in future projects and internal/external audits. Obtain financial, legal and administrative project closure (e. . , final payments, warranties, contract signoff). 8. 00 8. 00 16. 00 16. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 92. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 8. 00 8. 00 8. 00 8. 00 8. 00 16. 00 40. 00 16. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0 . 00 8. 00 16. 00 16. 00 0. 00 0. 00 8. 00 Release all project resources and provide performance feedback. Create and distribute final project report. Measure customer satisfaction at the end of the project. 64. 00 64. 00 64. 00 856. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 8. 00 0. 00 40. 00 40. 00 0. 00 856. 00
Friday, August 16, 2019
Coffee and Mission Essay
Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Of Nokia Essays and Term Papers Search Results for ‘analysis of mission and vision statement of nokia’ Displaying 1 – 30 of 1,500 * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Toyota Indus Motor Company Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement TOYOTA INDUS MOTOR COMPANY LTD. VISION STATEMENT: To be the most respected and successful enterprise, delighting†¦ * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Toyota and working toward creating a prosperous society and clean world. ANALYSIS: The vision statement of Toyota Indus Motors Company Ltd is clear and powerfully†¦ * Starbucks Coffee Mission And Vision Statement: concise, and direct for the target audience. Starbucks combine Mission and Vision statement can be broken down into six key elements which are the followings: Coffee†¦ * Mission And Vision Statement seems a bit unnecessary. KHULNA SHIPYARD LIMITED (KSY) Mission and vision statement of this organization have been written tactfully and they are praise worthy†¦ * Mission And Vision Statement exact, measurable, and time-sensitive goals to guide my development; however, the mission and the vision statement offer a solid foundation for building these goals†¦ * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Of Nokia. complex and challenging environment. Nokias mission/vision statement analysis In analysing Nokias mission/vision statement Ill be using the 9 essential * * published this * no reads * no comments * Saved * Mission And Vision Analysis Of Pso And Coca Cola order to meet the needs and satisfy the customers. Vision Analysis Conclusion: Overall, Coca-Colas mission and vision statement defines its goals, policies†¦ * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Of Nokia. B: SAMPLE RESUME PERSONAL DETAILS * * published this * no reads * no comments * Add to your reading list * Tcs Mission And Vision Analysis Leading change, Learning and Sharing etc are getting reflected in its mission and vision statement. The core value excellence is getting clearly reflected in the * * published this * no reads * no comments * Add to your reading list * Mission & Vision Statements theyve got their mission and vision confused. One is definitely not the other and both are mixed up in this statement. †Today, our mission is to connect people * * published this * no reads * no comments * Add to your reading list * Starbucks Vision And Mission Statement obtain the organizations desired end state. Within the organizations mission and vision statements Starbucks Corporation states that listening to its customer needs.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Shut Down Facebook
Shut down Facebook Facebook has become a place where everyone wants to be nowadays. Not only is it wrong to be on there every single day, it is also unhealthy, which is why Facebook should be banned. People no longer care about going out and making friends. Instead, they rather stay inside and become friends with people they do not even know on Facebook. These kinds of actions can be really dangerous. People can easily create Facebook accounts, meaning that it is also easy to portray someone they’re not. No one ever knows who really is sitting behind that computer screen.Especially young people, they can be ignorant at times thinking they know their friends good enough to give them their information. Most people are unaware of how easy it is for a stranger to collect all of their information. Another bad thing about Facebook is all the drama it can cause between friends, families, or any kind of relationship. It is sad how arguments are posted for the whole world to see. Teena gers every so often lie about their age just so they do not have to ask for their parent’s approval. This in most cases happens because teenagers are doing things they’re not suppose to.In addition, people sometimes tend to hide their identities on purpose to do unpleasant things such as stalking, and bullying. There are also sick people who create fake Facebook accounts to harass little kids. Facebook is not good anymore. Many people are taking advantage of it and it is better for it to be shut down for good. No one needs Facebook, anyone can survive without it. It is healthier to be out there living life than sitting behind a computer talking about it. It would certainly make a change if Facebook were banned forever.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
A Razorblade Romance
He was lying on the bedroom floor surrounded by his own crimson fluid dripping from the open wound in his neck. She found him all alone it wasn't right for her to find him like that, it scarred her for life physically and emotionally. It was 6am and they were all happy getting ready for the big day with all the arrangements in place everything was going to be perfect. Her maid was perfecting her hair into the most beautiful curls, and he was helping the best man with his speech. When all was ready she covered her dress with a long red coat so that it didn't get dirty, â€Å"The car is here we better get going†she called to her maids and her friend who was her maid of honour. They all piled into the vehicle and disappeared over the horizon towards the church. He, on the other hand, was very nervous. His heart was beating faster than it ever had before and his palms were sweating profusely, it was abnormal. He told the best man to go get into the car and that he would meet him there, he had a few more things to take care of. Now he was alone. At first he didn't know what to do with himself. He was pacing up and down the room trying to control his breathing. He could hear the car beeping the horn for him to hurry, he didn't know what to do. When he got himself together and was finally ready the maid came in crying. He went up to her and kissed her and said everything was going to be alright. She replied in a murmured voice he didn't fully understand at first, she then repeated what she had first said and he stood back with the look of shock in his eyes. He suddenly realised then he can't live the life he has. He has a fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ to go and marry, and a mistress in front of him telling him she is now pregnant with his child. The maid cleaned her face and told him to leave his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ now, otherwise if he goes ahead with the marriage he will never be able to get away from this life he has created. He looked at her struggling for words to say, he didn't know what he should do. He thought about running away with the maid, whom he doesn't love now, which would make him miserable, and marrying his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ would make him the happiest man alive, but to have her find out about this would be too much of a risk. There is a fine line between life and death he thought, in life you do as much as you can to make you happy and live it to the full, but death, death is the coward's way out and only something that's supposed to happen when you're old. He looked at himself in the mirror and knew that there was not much to live for anymore. He was a coward and that would never change. His time had come to end all of these affairs. So he took a knife and told the maid to leave and that he would meet her down in the foyer of the house. After she had left he brought the knife to his throat and made it a quick and painless experience so that he didn't have to hurt anymore. When she arrived home crying and miserable she ran upstairs to her room and took off her gown. She cried so much her lungs felt sore and swollen. She wondered where he could be and went to his room. As she opened the door she saw red on the floor and was curious as to what it was. She walked in and that's when she found him.
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