Sunday, January 26, 2020
Business Plan for Educational Website
Business Plan for Educational Website 1.0 Executive Summary Stay Clean, is a site that is based on Environmental Management Practices Education. It is owned and operated by me, Morrison Edwards. I am determined to ensuring that people live in an environment free of contaminations and appealing to live in. I am thus taking the initiative to educate people on how we can make our environment friendlier for habitation. The people are taught to carry out environmental practices once in a month. The activities involved in the practices are quite simple and are meant to encourage people on how the little changes they make in the initiative can make an enormous difference to the environment and their personal lives. The sources of revenue supporting the plan are from my personal savings from employment. I will be organizing with other affiliate companies and retailers to provide me with the products I will require in the process. Our benefits will be commission based from the sales of the products used in the environmental management practice. Financially the strategy is aimed at making profits, and of most concern will be minimizing expenses. A portion of the profits will be ploughed back into the business while the rest will be used for personal growth. I believe that it is a just course to keep our environment clean as much as the initiative is also a money creating opportunity. The cash flow into the action is a priority as well as the cash balance. In accomplishing my goals, the following areas are going to be of emphasis. The web content must be of the best quality and interactive to the users. The tips will be elaborate and engaging, inspiring and empowering so that the users will share the tips quickly enough to improve the use of the website. The project is aimed for gross profits in the future and so I will cut the current expenses to meet my current demands. The products that will be required in the process of the affiliate companies will have to be recommended on the website for buying by the people so that the profits gained from the commission will be used in the initiative. Since I do not intend to use more money in the expenses the online marketing plan will have to be perfectly effected to meet the expectations. 1.1 Mission The website is an educational platform meant to teach people on how to maintain the environment clean by performing cleanliness practices at least twice in one month. For the entire year. I am looking forward to enlightening people so that they become more environmentally conscious. In the process the affiliate institutions and retailers will have the opportunity to sell their products. The profits will be shared among all the member parties, the producing companies, the retailers and me. 1.2 Objectives of the Plan i) To conducting weekly environmental teaching sessions. Educate people on how their contribution in maintaining the environment will reduce environmental hazards or detrimental environmental impacts on the general population. ii) At the end of the first year the website should have approximately 500 subscribers already signed up for the weekly tips on the environment. iii) The site must receive 10,000 customers monthly. iv) Profits will be evaluated within six months. v) The Profit will be redistributed to support the project and into personal savings. 1.3 Important Factors of success i) The Website content will have to be quality; the weekly tips will be elaborate and straightforward, friendly and inspiring. ii) The marketing of the site must be exquisite for maximum subscription iii) The expenses will remain flat to maximize profitability. iv) The products sold will be environmentally friendly and the buyers will have to be inspired so that the commissions care increased to make profits. 1.4 Summary of the Business The Stay Clean initiative is a small business website based in Marina and it is purposefully meant to enlighten the community on the effectiveness of cleanliness to minimise the impacts of environmental hazards. The cleanliness initiatives training will be conducted twice a month as explained on the website. The teaching sessions are conducted online on the website or on weekly meetings for an individual attendance. The weekly audience subscription is free. The business will be making profits from commission received by the sale of products obtained from the Affiliate Company and retailers supplying the products to be used in the initiative. 1.5 Financial Plan I am looking forward to starting the initiative with a capital of 3000 dollars obtained from my personal savings. This will be used to come up with the website and in facilitating services of the Affiliate Company and retailers. The money will also be spent on the legal purposes and acquiring the computer equipment and in registering the computer domain for the name of the website. The remaining expenses will remain untouched until income generation begins. 1.6 Ownership of the Business Initiative The Stay Clean Business initiative is a sole proprietorship, a plan created and founded by (name). It is an enlightenment effort as well for personal growth The Products involved The business does not produce the required products on its own. I am marketing earthly friendly products recommended for cleaning and maintaining the environment. The products will be acquired from a company and retailers who will be paying the commission based on the sales of the products made. The company and the retailers are the affiliate parties. The goods thus will not be costly thus the cost of production is cut. The fulfillment and the inventory levels or the customer service. The only risk involved in the business is that the profit is commission based and only received in terms of percentage of the sales obtained from mobilization through the website organised weekly teaching sessions, and not from the entire sales. The recommended environmentally friendly products are: i) Products that can be reused. These are products that can be put back into use like lunch bags, batteries etc. ii) Supporting consumption of organic foods: vegetables, fruits, and snack meals. iii) Paper products that can be recycled. iv) Cloth diapers. v) Kitchen products: Cloth rags, towels etc. vi) Herbal medicines. vii) Low water usage: Shower heads, horse pipes and equipment that reduce water use. viii) Books on environmental friendliness. xi) Solar powered appliances and the tools and equipment running on solar. x) Music about environmental maintenance and friendliness. Market analysis Out target market is the general community especially the internauts or the technology survey who can access the internet in the age bracket of 18-55 years. This is the target group that can be used to make the environment better. The secondary market target are the students of age 12-22 who can have adequate time engaging in the environmental management practices. The retired people are also focused as they have more free time to attend the training sessions. 4.2 Target market Segment Strategy Since our primary aim is to live in an environmentally friendly atmosphere while also making profits, we have particular reason for the targeted market 1. The students We engage them as they are technology survey and will pass the information faster to their associates, again they will embrace the initiative as they like clean surroundings 2. Adults It is the largest market and the biggest target. They are the individuals who will be purchasing the products thus significant in revenue generation. 3. The retirees. They have more free time and resources to spend on initiatives that are environmentally friendly. 4.3 Industry Analysis The website is meant for educational reasons and since the educational sites are hardly available the completion is slim. The existing environmental sites deal with either giving news on the environment or other environmental topics not related to the latter. The website is an environmental friendly pro initiatives marketing products aimed at improving the environment from which the sales will receive the profits that is commission based. 4.4 Buying patterns Our focus is on enlightening people on the products they knew never existed and going by the friendliness in the adverts and inspiration, the customers will definitely chose us over other competitors as the information provided is simple and comprehensive but not overwhelming. Those who shall have adopted the information will just be buying the products and mostly will be introducing more people thus an increase in the product sales increasing out profits. The product finding process will be simplified so that they can easily be found in the Affiliate Company and retailers. (Software, 2017). References Bryman, A., Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Finch, B. (2016). How to write a business plan. Kogan Page Publishers. Hollensen, S. (2015). Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach. Pearson Education. Huynh, M., Appell, R., Stetkiewicz, M. (2014). Process mapping. Software, P. A. (n.d.). Educational Website Business Plan. Retrieved February 21, 2017, from
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Uneasy Homecoming
In the short story Uneasy Homecoming written by Will F Jenkings, Connie is the first character introduced in the story, and is the protagonist; the antagonist in the short story is Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson’s son. After we are introduced to the characters we are then led into the setting, Connie was being driven home by a taxi as, â€Å"The red, dying sun cast long shadows across the road†(pg. 83), this created a picture that the sun was setting.During this cab ride home from her two week vacation, Connie feels uneasiness and dread, which help us understand the mood and atmosphere of the short story. Initiating Incident The event that begins the conflict is when Connie called Mrs. Wilson for comfort, and Mrs. Wilson ask her if her house was all right, and that it was dreadful here, there have been a series of burglaries in the town and somehow the burglary know where Mr. saddler kept his day’s receipts from his shop. Connie had a wired feeling about this and b eing alone, but she didn’t follow it because she thought it was meaningless.Rising Action Three things that are rising action is when Connie finds some cigarettes buts on the rug in Toms room and starts to panic a bit, then she finds a lump in the bed not knowing what it is she starts to walk away from it, then she look and saw it was all the burglary’s stolen stuff. Connie realized that they probably know she’s home and can see her from the bay so she turned off all the lights quickly â€Å"The window was broken. A neat jagged section of glass was missing. †(pg. 9) that’s how there were getting in, she locked all the doors and windows but not the broken one because she can’t they’ll just unlock it so she goes and hides. The climax Connie hears a noise coming from the outside garden; she knew that they knew about her knowing that they were there and had proof. They turned off the power so the house would be darker; she hears him in th e house and carefully goes out the back door, and then she lit his motorcycle on fire. â€Å"She hid herself in the shadows and watched, sobs trying to from in her throat†(pg. 91)
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Who Else Wants to Learn About Easy Photo Essay Topics?
Who Else Wants to Learn About Easy Photo Essay Topics? The One Thing to Do for Easy Photo Essay Topics As a guide, you should expect to devote no less than 5-6 hours each week undertaking study within this unit. Generally you're able to finish the unit work in your time. The unit coordinators may decide to present some content in the shape of a live web conference. Then you ought to take the pictures of the motor vehicle that come for towing it towards the runway. The Nuiances of Easy Photo Essay Topics Address the explanations for why the image has or doesn't have a clearly defined shape. For instance, if some image is funny, you've got to point out what's funny about any of this, in the text. The very first images are always likely to be the hardest to take, but when you get pick up speed, you'll have images to show and persuade the next group. The single images comprise the whole. Her work might be found at Christina Nichole Photography. The Documerica project's photos have lately been unearthed, and you'll be able to see them now. Photo projects provide a terrific approach to try out something new and will be able to help you escape from a rut. Write about the development of photography from the camera obscura to the maturation of the monochrome practice. At this point you have a group of folks sharing and liking your images. Students may also make accordion books to present their images. It is an excellent social commentary on the condition of our world. What's more, one needs to be competent in writing to create coherent and cohesive text. Before you commence working on your essay, you must define its objective. Don't forget you must choose your writing methods based on the kind of audience. The traditional manner of essay writing can acquire monotonous for students. When assigning any of these topics, make sure to provide your students a very clear outline of what is expected with respect to style, format and length. If you're looking for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service offered by fully qualified academics in your area of study. Every student would like to beat the remainder of the competition to collect best photos and use them in their essay. It's far better to use just a quarter of photos in your essay than suddenly understand that you don't have sufficient material. By obeying the above-mentioned steps, you would find it possible to compose a great photo essay. It is very important to define the variety of pictures we are eager to present on our final essay. Some photos might appear quite useful as you're preparing and collecting the material, but whenever the major portion of your essay is completed, they may prove to be not the very best choice about the overall context. Close-up, sometimes referred to as detail shots, don't carry a great deal of narrative. When news organizations do this variety of story often the work of many photographers and perhaps even crowd-sourced photos are used. Below you'll discover some of the most eye-catching photographs we ran on the website in the previous year. Among the most well-known ones, there's a photograph in social networking, the history of photography, social effect of photography compare and contrast of various facets and nuances linked to the art of photography, etc.. Sure stealing someone's ideas is bad, so apply these examples as a foundation for your own works. The more familiar you're with the subject, the better are the chances to think of a fantastic essay. Have a good idea of what you need to accomplish, and create it as though you were teaching another person. 1 photo essay idea I have always wished to try is to photograph one landmark from several different vantage points. It has been utilized for a century to narrate stories in an incredibly peculiar and powerful way. It is possible to use anything to tell a great story. The story needs to be told from beginning to finish with higher impact, just enjoy a brief novel or a story. It is dependent on what story you're likely to tell.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Understanding And Treatment Programs For Adult Pedophiles
Within the last few decades, pedophilia has become more prominent, especially in today’s society. Pedophilia is a crime that has destructive implications that has been going on for years now (Blanchard, 2010). With the help of the media, law enforcement and laws regarding sexual offenders, people are more aware of the crime. The awareness is of the risks that make people more likely to become a victim. However, awareness should also shed light on the predictive factors as to why people commit sexual assaults in the first place. This paper will evaluate and review the understanding and treatment programs for adult pedophiles. A simple question has been asked: What works, if anything, to lower the criminal recidivism rates of adult†¦show more content†¦Instead, this is a compilation of information pertaining to theories, and treatments that have attained general acceptance within the community. In reviewing the literature concerning sexual abuse/pedophilia consisted of either anecdotal information or impassioned arguments employed by various researchers when characterizing the responses of the church to this incendiary issue (Langevin, 2011). In providing review, it was necessary to summarize every point of view no matter how controversial. One aim of this literature review is to put into perspective the problem of pedophilia. Langevin (2013) conducted research on pedophilia. Though this work is an important step in studying the problem, it is not comprehensive in nature and more empirical work should be conducted on institutions that cater to children. Langevin (2011) researched the rehabilitation of children who were victims of sexual abuse, but in order to fully understand how to properly treat sexually abused children it is very important to understand the condition of the pedophile, their erotic preference, gender identity and the aggression in the pedophile that triggered the desire to sexually abuse the child. From the research it seem s clear that Wilson (2013) had frequent encounters or situations in the community, assessing the environments of sexual offenders. The focus of his research was to
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